of practice

Systems or PGS

- Social networks
- And knowledge exchanges

transition towards food

The Organic Farmer Journey
Farmer progression into the organic value chain through a community of practice and alignment with the organic certification road map.

Foundation Phase
Onboarding and nurturing a community of practice.

Consolidating Production
Farmer planning, set-up and practice.

Stakeholder Engagement
Organisational mapping and support.

Establishment of the PGS
Adopting organic standards and finding markets.

Creating Localised Food Systems
Engaging with the certification road map, trade and opportunities
Upcoming Organic Events
There are no upcoming events.
Organic sector News
Read the latest stories about our organisation, our farmers and the best practices towards a healthier food system in South Africa

Global organic news

News from the Ground
Contribute towards the growth of PGS in South Africa
Be a part of the food sovereignty movement
Farmers on commonage or farming individual pieces of land traditionally or agroecologically/ poison-free, or farming conventionally with an intention to convert to organic production.
Farmers have taken the steps to organise themselves into an Organic Farmer Organisation with the focus on consolidating production to sell into local markets.
Production is consolidated and farmers now need support to access more production resources and markets. Through growing the community of practice, other stakeholders can participate in creating local food systems.
Farmers have surplus produce and have identified local markets that have interest in the development of local food systems. The PGS is established as a local quality assurance mechanism.
From here, the market drives production and the PGS groups are linked to local retailers and other stakeholders in the organic value chain and sell in the local markets and regional areas.